Three lives. Two boxes. One line.

A round-based bullet hell for those that like their games just challenging enough. Enemies can only be killed by the laser in between the 2 boxes, but only one can be controlled at a time.


This game is very bug-prone. A lot of issues occurred during development, and we didn't have time to fix them. The game will sometimes work, other times not. If it breaks occasionally, we're sorry.


For the GMTK Game Jam 2021: Joined Together

You control 2 boxes. You can move around with both of them, and switch to the other by pressing E.

Between the boxes, there is a laser connecting the two. If the boxes are too far apart, the beam disconnects until they're close enough.

The enemies, spawned throughout each round, can only be killed by making them touch the laser. The red box can be attacked.

You have 3 lives. Lose them all, and it's game over.


8BlitsArt, programming
teccProgramming, art, sound effects

Usually, I do a lot of pixel art in my games, but I had errors with my art software during this jam, so, we had to use basic shapes, and whatever else the team could make. -8Blits


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